• For definitions we kindly refer you to the “whereas” section in our General Terms and Conditions.
  • This policy is an integral part of the User agreement / General Terms and Conditions as published on the main page of the Website.

What is the Know Your Customer (KYC) program?

FQ is an independent platform meant to refer suitable Service Providers to interested Service Requestors.

FQ does not take responsibility for the commercial and KYC elements of the requested (by Service Requestors) services:

  • Providing advice on the intended business activities, locations as well as (if any) sanctions related to such activities or locations.
  • Verification of Service Requestors and Service Providers against international sanction lists;
  • Transaction monitoring services;
  • KYC analysis on contemplated transactions;
  • Risk analysis on contemplated activities
  • Benchmarking of Users against public/ non-public databases to avoid working with Service Requestors or Service Providers that are linked to non-sound business practices;
  • UBO investigations;
  • Source of Wealth investigations of UBO’s;
  • Any other KYC checks as maybe required in any jurisdiction by Service Requestor (or Service Provider).

FQ acts solely as intermediary and its Know Your Customer and Identity Verification is limited to promoting the proper functioning of FQ.

Service Providers and Service Requestors hold FQ harmless and provide an indemnity to FQ for exposures resulting from FeeQuote Requests (Service Requestors) or issued FeeQuotes (Service Providers).

FQ its goals are to promote and stimulate sound business practices. We request Users (to the extent allowed by laws of the country where User resides and/or other applicable jurisdictions) to inform FQ (via Complaints Procedure) in case a KYC investigation has resulted in discontinuation of a business relation.


This privacy policy was last updated on 16 October 2019.