FeeQuotes is the #1 corporate marketplace for companies to find service providers abroad.
Medium and Large businesses, Institutional investors, Private Equity funds and Financial
institutions rely on FeeQuotes to find skilled professionals with international expertise to help
with the set-up of companies abroad and the adherence to all relevant rules and regulations.
Are you an investment fund, corporate or institutional client that wishes to expand (or allready owns a company) abroad?
FeeQuotes assists you in finding a law firm that can partner with you in addressing and advising on your specific needs and concerns(within your international context).
Are you an investment fund, corporate or institutional client that wishes to expand (or allready owns a company) abroad?
FeeQuotes assist you in finding a professional tax advisory firm that is specialised in your international context and can assist you in complying with all rules and requirements in the country of your subsidiary.
Are you an investment fund, corporate or institutional client that wishes to expand (or allready owns a company) abroad?
FeeQuotes assist you in finding an auditor to review your annual statutory accounts and provide accounting advice to your foreign subsidiary observing your international context.
Are you an investment fund, corporate or institutional client that wishes to expand (or allready owns a company) abroad?
FeeQuotes assists you in finding a notary public that can provide the notarial support and advice to your subsidiary observing country specifics and your organisational requirements.
Review invoices and advising on the correct reflection of all legal requirements
FeeQuotes assist you in finding a professional tax advisory firm that will secure timely and dilligent prepation and filing of Value Added Tax returns as well as other indirect taxes all within your international context.
Are you an investment fund, corporate or institutional client that wishes to expand (or allready owns a company) abroad?
FeeQuotes assist you in finding a professional tax advisory firm that is specialised in preparing and filing the corporate income tax return for (in the country of) your subsidiary.
Are you an investment fund, corporate or institutional client that wishes to expand (or allready owns a company) abroad?
FeeQuotes assists you in finding a professional to arrange for periodical personal income tax filings in the country of your subsidiary.
Are you an investment fund, corporate or institutional client that wishes to expand (or allready owns a company) abroad?
FeeQuotes assists you in finding a recruitment firm that can assist in securing the best employees to match the DNA of your organisation.
Are you an investment fund, corporate or institutional client that wishes to expand (or allready owns a company) abroad?
FeeQuotes assists you in finding suitable management support and/or other corporate governance roles that you need fulfilled in the country of your subsidiary.
Are you an investment fund, corporate or institutional client that wishes to expand (or already owns a company) abroad?
FeeQuotes assists you in finding a registered address to match the set-up of your subsidiary abroad.
Are you an investment fund, corporate or institutional client that wishes to expand (or allready owns a company) abroad?
FeeQuotes assists you in finding professional assistance for your back office administrative tasks.
Are you an investment fund, corporate or institutional client that wishes to expand (or already owns a company) abroad?
FeeQuotes assists you in finding a professional to support you with your legal back office requirements.
Are you an investment fund, corporate or institutional client that owns a company abroad?
Once you no longer need this company FeeQuotes connects you with professionals that can assist you in dilligent unwinding and/or liquidation observing all legal requirements in the country of your subsidiary.
Are you an investment fund, corporate or institutional client that wishes to expand (or allready owns a company) abroad?
FeeQuotes assist you in finding a professional payrolling agent that secures compliance with all payroll calculations.