Is your business exceeding your national borders?

FeeQuotes is the #1 corporate marketplace for companies to find service providers abroad.

Medium and Large businesses, Institutional investors, Private Equity funds and Financial institutions rely on FeeQuotes to find skilled professionals with international expertise to help with the set-up of companies abroad and the adherence to all relevant rules and regulations.

How do you benefit?

  • FeeQuotes tailors your feequote request where needed in order to have the best opportunity of success.
  • Keeping your feequote request up-to-date is easy with our 24/7 support.
  • Feequote requests are free of charge and create no obligation to buy.
  • Correspondence with FeeQuotes is free of of charge.
  • You determine whether to issue, suspend or close the FeeQuote request (24/7).
  • Service providers pay a compensation (one time only) to for its intermediation assistance.